Mentoring at CUEA

CUEA runs a mentoring scheme each year that is open to all CUEA members, both alumni and students. The mentoring scheme has benefits for members at all stages of their education and career. Established professional alumni across many fields of engineering and related careers sign up to provide valuable advice to early career alumni and students alike. 

Whatever your professional development goals, there is likely someone on the mentoring scheme that can assist you. 

Whatever your professional achievements, there is likely someone that can benefit from your advice.

Established Professional Alumni

Early Career Alumni

CUED Students

Mentoring Scheme 2023/24

We're back for another year with the CUEA Mentoring Scheme, updated and improved based on participant feedback. Thank you to everyone who took part in the mentoring scheme in 2022/23. We had 201 mentors signed up on MentorCity this year with 183 of you engaged in active mentoring relationships this year. In total, you supported 193 mentees, made up of 105 undergraduate students, 36 PhD and MPhil Students and 52 alumni.

Based on your feedback, the mentoring scheme will look a bit different this year, providing more flexibility and using the mentoring platform only where it adds value. Information on the format, how to sign up and access to resources is provided below.

Scheme Format

Launch: 16th November

We are launching the CUEA Mentoring Scheme on 16/11/2023 with an online event, for the first time. From that date, students and alumni can begin setting up profiles on our MentorCity platform and searching for a mentor. Students and alumni are invited to join the event to learn about the platform, the changes that have been made, and tips for setting up a successful mentoring relationship. You can access a recording of the session here.

Matching: 16th November to 15th December

We are trialling some changes this year in response to your feedback. We will be using the MentorCity platform to facilitate the matching process – you will be able to search for a mentor or mentee yourself, using the platforms search feature, or we will be running the matching algorithm w/c 11/12/2023. The algorithm will be using updated profile information and criteria to provide a more tailored result.


Establishing Your Channels: until mid-January

The MentorCity platform will be closing in mid-January, so we advise you to exchange contact details with your mentors and mentees as soon as possible and take communication away from the platform. We have found, in general, relationships have been more successful when messaging and video calls are conducted independently from the platform.

Updating/Creating Your Profile

Previous Participants:

If you took part in the 2022/2023 scheme and would like to take part again, please log in to the platform now and update your profile via the link below – there have been quite a few updates to the profile questions this year in response to participants' feedback so it is essential for everyone to update their profile.

If you have an existing profile but you do not wish to be involved this year, please contact Rachel at and she will be able to deactivate your profile. 

New Participants:

Mentoring is a super way to connect with the alumni network, the Department and the future bright talents of the industry, so we recommend it to you as a thoroughly rewarding experience. It also gives both mentors and mentees opportunities to develop skills.

Whilst we know that our members have a great deal to offer as mentors, many of you might be looking for mentors of your own, so we would also encourage you to use the platform to connect with other members of CUEA and form mentoring relationships.  You can set you profile to be a mentor, mentee, or both.

If you wish you join the scheme, but are not already a member of MentorCity, then we would be very pleased to have you.  Please sign up through the link below.

CUEA Mentoring Guide

Before getting started this year you should read the CUEA Mentoring Guide. This details the commitment we expect from you and some tips on how to get started. Should you have any questions on the content please email Rachel at