Engineering on the West Cambridge Site Visit
As part of the University of Cambridge's 29th Alumni Festival, we offered our members the opportunity to visit five different Engineering divisions in the West Cambridge site, which has undergone significant development over the past decade. These included the Schofield Centre, Institute for Manufacturing, Whittle Lab, Civil Engineering and Electrical Engineering.
47 members from a variety of engineering backgrounds and experience attended the visit. The attendees were split into sub-groups and were guided through each division for 20 minutes. Throughout each tour, staff and students showcased the world-leading research that takes place within each of the sites.
Despite the torrential rain and tight schedule, attendees were mostly very pleased and impressed with the visit, which was immediately followed by a finger buffet and the 2019 CUEA AGM.
As part of our ongoing commitment to the support and engagement of our Engineering Alumni and Students, we will organise further events of interest throughout 2020 and the 30th Alumni Festival.
Bookings for the 29th Cambridge Alumni Festival are now open, with an extensive range of events running from Friday, 27th September to Sunday, 29th September 2019.
The West Cambridge Site Campus has seen extensive expansion over the past few years, and Alumni are offered an opportunity to visit the Engineering facilities on the site and learn something of their current work, including the Institute for Manufacturing (IfM), Electrical Engineering Division and Civil Engineering building. The event will run from 14.00 to 17.00 on Friday 27th. This event will be followed by the 2019 CUEA AGM
You can sign up to the West Cambridge Campus visit HERE
Find the full programme of events here