On November 26th we will be holding our Annual General Meeting and we hope that you can join us. This year, in keeping with UK Government guidance, the meeting will take place virtually. It is scheduled to last 60 minutes only (18.00-19.00 UK time). You can find the calling notice for the AGM here.
In addition to the “standing” agenda items required by our constitution (e.g. Treasurer’s Report and Election of Executive Committee members – see attached preliminary agenda) we will also bring you up to speed on our activities over the past year and on the exciting plans we have for CUEA, including future Alumni Engagement activities and the roll-out of our new Mentoring Program. These plans respond to feedback received from many of you and I would like to express our thanks for all the support and encouragement you have given us.
These activities are focused on making us become more effective engineers and to enhancing the value to you of CUEA membership. We look forward to hearing what further areas of interest and related ideas you may have, particularly where these can benefit both current students and in-career engineers. If there is anything that comes to mind please let us know via the following email address (cuea-enquiries@cuea.uk)
We are also looking for opportunities to showcase the achievements of CUED alumni and the companies they work for, especially where they relate to new developments across the ever-changing world of engineering – again, your thoughts via cuea-enquiries@cuea.uk would be greatly appreciated.
We hope that you can join us on November 26th – if you are planning on attending please let us know via this signup form (https://forms.gle/gxjtU8EYRic2PnmA9) and we will provide you with the meeting set-up details.
Please stay safe,
Brian Phillipson
President, Cambridge University Engineers' Association
CUEA Annual General Meeting 2020 Calling Notice
President's Report (This document will be released soon)